Who are we and what we do.
LangTastic has been established as an E-learning platform in need of the companies and individuals
who need to improve their English language proficiency. Based on a newly developed methodology,
LangTastic is the rights choice for everyone who has been struggling in time for a better fluency and
a higher confidence in English conversations and business meetings.
There are three main pillars that form the core of LangTastic as below:
1 – Methedology
Fluency in speech is the main foundation of LangTastic and on this purpose is based the
structure of the courses and the teaching methodology. Each course consists in one main
theme containing 30 classes with different topics related to the main subject. Courses are
created based on the main areas impacting our professional and personal lives. During the
whole course the student will be able to track his progress in real time due to some specific
features developed by the platform.
2 – One to one classes
We say goodbye to the typical classes with one teacher and a considerable number of
students. At LangTastic, each student will have individual classes in order to make the most
of his class and unleash his potential while speaking in English. Each class has a duration of
27 minutes.
3 – Flexibility
You choose the day and the time that you would like to take the class depending on your own
schedule. The platform offers a wide flexibility starting from 07:30 AM up to 11:30PM…
from Monday to Sunday. So, the choice is yours ;)