We value your privacy
This website where you have entered, www.langtastic.co, is the official website of LangTastic6. On
this page the user can come across various application forms and in different areas of these forms
the need may arise to enter personal data. LangTastic assures every user that for every data that
arrives in its database is committed to rigorously implement the entire legal framework in the
protection and observance of any action related to data of users, as defined by the Constitution of
the Republic of Albania, the Law in force (No. 9887 dated 10.03.2008) "On Personal Data Protection"
and bylaws in addition.
Personal data can be used if one or more of the following criteria have been satisfied:
a) It is clearly legally permissible to use the data in the way intended.
b) The data subject has consented to his/her data being used.
c) It is necessary to use the data in this way in order for the company to fulfil its obligations under an
agreement with the data subject, including its contractual duties to inform and/or secondary duties,
or in order for the company to implement pre- or post-contractual measures for initiating or
processing an agreement that have been requested by the data subject.
d) The data must be used to fulfil a legal obligation of the company.
e) It is necessary to use the data to safeguard the data subject's vital interests.
f) It is necessary to use the data to complete a task that is in the interest of the general public or that
forms part of the exercise of public authority and with which the company or third party to whom
the data is transferred was charged.
g) It is necessary to process the data in order to realize the legitimate interests of the company or
the third party/parties to whom data is being transmitted, provided these interests are not clearly
outweighed by interests of the data subject warranting protection.
The user also asserts the veracity and accuracy of all the data filled in by him in various forms. By
filling in any form and pressing the continue button, the user accepts the right of the company for
internal use, only for the purpose requested by the user, of the completed information and their
further processing by LangTastic.
Based on law no. 9887 dated 10.03.2008 the user, through a request, has the right to request to see
his personal data provided voluntarily, or to request their correction.